Product data validated by the manufacturer.
Lynxter is a 3D printer manufacturer from France.
Approximate starting prices based on supplier-provided information and public data. Prices may vary by region, over time and do not include additional products or services (taxes, shipping, accessories, training, installation, ...).
$ 46,00036 000 €
SelectionThis product is featured in a buyer's guide.
Approximate starting prices based on supplier-provided information and public data. Prices may vary by region, over time and do not include additional products or services (taxes, shipping, accessories, training, installation, ...).
$ 57,00045 000 €
guide - Silicone
Silicone 3D printing: Material Extrusion vs Vat Photopolymerization
Aniwaa helps professionals research, evaluate, and purchase additive manufacturing and 3D capture solutions.
Updated on
December 19, 2023
Case study - Silicone
How Silicone 3D Printing is Changing Ostomy Care
Lynxter, founded in 2016, revolutionized 3D printing with the S600D, one of the first modular 3D Printer. They secured Airbus as their first customer and expanded their offerings with the S300X, a silicone 3D printer.
Published on
November 14, 2023
Case study - Silicone
Surface Treatment and Silicone 3D Printing
By Sales team
Lynxter, founded in 2016, revolutionized 3D printing with the S600D, one of the first modular 3D Printer. They secured Airbus as their first customer and expanded their offerings with the S300X, a silicone 3D printer.
Published on
October 9, 2023
buyer's guide - Ceramic
Ceramic 3D printing 2024: guide and ceramic 3D printer selection
Content manager
Aniwaa helps professionals research, evaluate, and purchase additive manufacturing and 3D capture solutions.
Updated on
May 31, 2022